
The world’s first factory-built, sustainable house

  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Responsive


How do you generate interest in a product that’s delving into uncharted territory, without overwhelming people when showing its numerous applications and uses?

Mi-Pad is a revolutionary new housing build and design for which they needed a brand new website. They were looking for a professional and contemporary website design, to reflect the ethos of Mi-Pad and their products.

With this being the first unveiling of Mi-Pad to the world, the website needed to generate interest, show off over 50 unique features and highlight its numerous applications.


We needed a flexible system so we built the website on WordPress. We split down the main applications of how Mi-Pad could be used into separate sections, allowing us to concentrate on highlighting the benefits in each and showing how it would be the ideal solution.

We also had to factor in that because of the unique nature of Mi-Pad, there was no set target audience for it to appeal to, so we ensured that the website would have a broad appeal to help capture as much attention as possible, building in a responsive design to make it work across all devices.


We designed and developed a responsive website that highlights the benefits of Mi-Pad, in an easily digestible way, a website that reflects Mi-Pad’s quality and their ethos.

In the first 30 days, the website had over 600 hits, with each spending an average of five minutes on the website.

More on our Web Design