October 7,2021
Magento 2 Guide: Admin Menu Overview
Menu sections (anchor these links)
An overview of the website’s performance. From here you can quickly see things like lifetime sales, average order value, most purchased products and search terms made on the website. There’s also a graph showing recent order activity.
This is where you’ll find all the information about the website’s transactions.
- Orders – You can view any orders placed through the website.
- Invoices – When an order is placed on the website and the payment has been processed, it generates an invoice. This is where you can see all the invoices.
- Shipments – A record of the products that have been shipped, listed in the order they were sent.
- Dispatches – When managing shipping through Magento, this is a list of orders ready to be dispatched.
- Billing Agreements – This an alternative to offering direct payment, at the checkout, you can set up the option for customers to select billing agreement, this creates a record similar to a purchase order.
- Transactions – Gives access to more information of payment activity, including the transaction ID and the payment gateway used to pay for the order.
This where your products and category structure are created and controlled from.
- Products – This will take you to a list of all products added to the website, where you can edit and add new products.
- Categories – This is where you create categories and build the product hierarchy and structure for the website.
Contains all the details of customers who have created accounts on your website.
- All Customers – All the details for customers who have created an account on your website. You’re also manually add customers.
- Now Online – A list of customers who are currently on the website.
- Customer Groups – Here you can define different customer groups, for example you could create retail and trade customer groups, which could then be used to show different product prices to different groups.
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This where you manage your website marketing, this ranges from promotions to reviews.
Here you create discounts for the catalogue rules that apply discounts directly to the products and cart rules that apply discounts in the cart. These rules are based on the conditions set.
- Catalog price rules
- Cart price rules
You customise the email notifications sent from the store. You can also manage your newsletters subscribers and an RSS feed.
- Email templates
- Newsletter templates
- Newsletter queue
- Newsletter subscriber
Advertising Channels
Integrate your products with other marketing channels such as Google shopping ads.
- Google Ads shopping
SEO & Search
Here you can manage elements to help with your website optimisation. These include URL rewrites for reviewing and creating redirects, reviewing and directing on site searches to specific pages and creating sitemaps.
- URL rewrites
- Search terms
- Search synonyms
- Site map
User Content
This is where you can see and manage reviews on the website.
- All reviews
- Pending reviews
Customer Engagement
Create personalized, automated and personalized communications and generated reports using data from your Magento store. This is powered by DotDigital.
- Engagement cloud
- Chat
- Exclusion rules
Here’s where you manage and create content elements for your website. This also contains the websites design configuration.
This is where you can create pages and sections that can be added to pages such as blocks and widgets.
- Pages
- Blocks
- Widgets
Where you can manage the head and footer configuration, change the website theme and schedule theme changes.
- Configuration
- Themes
- Schedule
Need help with Magento?
We are experts in Magento, with experienced designers, developers & marketers. If you need a hand, get in touch.
Though there may seem like a lot in this menu, it’s actually fairly straight forward. All the items in here equate to a different type of report.
This includes reports for around the cart including products added, abandoned carts as well as the search terms used to search on the website.
- Products in cart
- Search terms
- Abandoned carts
- Newsletter problem reports
These reports are about the reviews left by customers and the reviews products have accrued.
- By customers
- By products
These reports look at the sales based side of the website including reports for orders, tax, invoiced and shipped orders, refunds given, discount coupons usage and PayPal settlements.
- Orders
- Tax
- Invoiced
- Shipping
- Refunds
- Coupons
Reports around customers, the number of orders from customers, the order totals and the number of new customers.
- Order total
- Order count
- New
These reports revolve around how many views products get, the best sellers, low stock products and which ones geet ordered/downloaded.
- Views
- Bestsellers
- Low Stock
- Ordered
- Downloads
This is where you refresh the statistics for the reports.
- Refresh statistics
Need help with Magento?
We are experts in Magento, with experienced designers, developers & marketers. If you need a hand, get in touch.
This is where the make up and configuration of your store is setup. This ranges from creating product attributes, tax rules, website configuration.
This where you control the store hierarchy via the websites configuration, store views, terms and conditions and the setting the order statuses to use.
- All stores
- Configurations
- Terms and conditions
- Order status
This is where you set up the taxes your website will use. This includes the tax amounts and where those taxes apply to.
- Tax rules
- Tax zones and rates
This is where you manage your website currency and the symbols used.
- Currency rates
- Currency symbols
Here you can manage and create product attributes and attribute sets.
- Product
- Attribute sets
- Rating
Here you will find the tools for the system operations.
Data transfer
Here is where you can import and export data from the site. This covers everything from products to tax settings.
- Import
- Export
- Import/export tax rates
- Import history
The integrations/plugins you have installed on the store.
- Integrations
Tools cover the data of the website, it’s where you can control the website cache, view the indexes and set back-ups.
- Cache management
- Backups
- Index management
- Web setup wizard
This is where you can manage users and set up roles for them and see locked user accounts.
- All users
- Locked users
- User roles
For more information, take a look at our using and managing your Magento 2 website guide.
We are a experienced Magento Agency, working with brands both large and small. If you need any help with your Magento Store, get in touch with us today!