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  • What sets our website designs apart?

October 18,2024

What sets our website designs apart?

byIsev Team Isev Team

Website design goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about crafting an experience that keeps your audience engaged and encourages them to return to your business.

At isev, we believe that great website design combines a deep understanding of your industry and audience with diverse professional insights and experience. It’s not just about making something look appealing; it’s about creating an effective online presence that works. Which is why, In this article, we’ll explore what makes great website design and the key principles that set us apart from the competition.

Why good design makes the difference

Better investment of time: Investing in quality design does require more effort upfront to ensure everything is done to a high standard, but it pays off in the long run as it creates a solid foundation for your business that will last.

Longer-Lasting: A well-crafted website is designed to adapt, meaning your website will remain relevant over time, this means less money spent on design updates!

Better Performance: Thoughtfully designed websites will enhance user experience, making it easier for visitors to navigate and find what they want on your website. This can lead to an increase in conversions.

Cheaper over the long run: While initial costs may be higher, a high quality designed website will require less fixes and updates saving you time and money in the future.

What classes as great website design?

We’ve all been there—you land on a website and nothing seems to work as it should. It’s hard to navigate, text might be overlapping with imagery, and you pull your hair out struggling to find what you need. Chances are, at this point you’ve decided to go elsewhere.

Somewhere where the design is great, and functions as it should. But what actually makes great website design? Let’s break it down.

The thing to keep in mind, is that great website design is so much more than looking good. It needs to function and draw your audience in, after-all, the design of a website will affects how people will interact with your website, how they move through pages, and even whether they convert into customers or not.

Woman designing a website

Remember, good design should be strategic, and purposeful.

Here’s the basics of what makes a good website design

  • User-Friendly Navigation: your website should be easy to navigate, a good design will reflect this, with effective call to actions throughout, easy to follow top and footer navigation and more.
  • Mobile-first: We’re advocates for this, afterall, a great site should look good and function just as well on mobile as it does on desktop.
  • Consistent branding: Consistency is aways key, fonts, colours and the overall tone of your website should reflect your brand identity.
  • Content: Your website should have high-wuality images, thoughtful layouts, cohesive colour schemes and content that resonates with your audience. You audience should be able to get all they need from your content in a scan.
  • Visual hierarchy: Think of how this blog is structured. Titles, subtitles, paragraphs…all of this makes it easier for you to scan and read the content, the same principle should be followed throughout your website design.

Now that you’ve got the basics principles of what makes good design, lets look a little deeper at what sets us apart…

What makes our website designs so great?

While the basics are crucial, one of the biggest things that will impact the quality of your design will be who you decide to get your website designed and built with. Afterall, the website designers you choose should be well adept at all of the basics and should instead be focused on elevating your company above the standard.

Depth and breadth

We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Every industry, and every audience has its own unique needs and preferences. Which is why we’ll take the time to research your industry and target audience before any designs are even considered.

Lets say a plumber comes to you, they want a professional website built to reflect their business. That’s easy enough, right? But here’s where other designers might go wrong.

Without researching the industry and audience, you might miss key details, like the fact that this is a woman-led plumbing company, which caters to a more niche audience. Suddenly, the design decisions you make—tone, imagery, overall layout, even the written content—wouldn’t reflect the business properly.

We thoroughly research your audience and industry, to ensure that the designs we make are both visually appealing and tailored to your business. We design with purpose, to make sure that every element resonates with the right customers and reflects your business’s unique identity.

Experienced and talented designers

At isev, we have always been specific about choosing people who are both passionate and talented. Rather than you picking and choosing a template, our websites are all designed by a lead designer who has been doing this for over 10 years.

Our designers know how to build websites that are personalised and tailored to your business. And while you might not think experience plays too big a part in this, you’d be surprised. Experience shapes a designer’s understanding of design principles, user behaviour, and how to create a site that doesn’t just look good but works. From layout and visuals to flow and functionality, that depth of knowledge makes all the difference in a website that truly performs.

You can learn more about our talented designers here.

We don’t settle for “good enough”

We have a saying here, its ‘if it’s done right, it’ll last forever’. Simply put, we don’t settle for “good enough”, we aim for exceptional!

We know that quality is a team effort. How many times have you checked a piece of work, or re-read something important that you need to share with someone, and yet something somehow gets missed.

That’s why every aspect of your website design is reviewed and perfected by two designers. Rather than one pair of experienced hands, we opt for multiple, to really elevate your website.

Each designer on your project, brings a unique perspective to the table, ensuring that every detail, from layout and colour scheme to user experience and content is carefully crafted. This approach also means we can catch anything that could be improved on in order to really elevate your business.

We take a proactive approach

As we mentioned previously, we take the time to get to know you business, your audience and your industry. And, with this knowledge we’re able to be a proactive figure in your design. Rather than just waiting to hear what you need and want on your website, we also provide professional recommendations to really help your ideas and website engage your customers.

women working together on a website

Whether it’s tweaking wording for stronger call to actions, suggesting a more compelling layout, or even adding content that speaks directly to your audience, we’ve got your covered.

Our goal is to build websites that look good and work hard to elevate your company. Which, is why with our professional knowledge and extensive experience, we offer suggestions, and advice throughout the design process.

Marketing to design

Great design goes hand-in-hand with effective marketing. It’s not as simple as making a website look good; its about creating an experience that drives results to your business.

This is why our marketing and design teams work closely, to bring the key design and marketing principles into your website.

Understanding your target audience, for example, is key. By knowing what captures their attention and motivates them to act, our designers can ensure that these crucial elements, are captured. Call to actions are strategically placed, or the websites imagery is carefully considered to make sure it not only reflects your business, but also resonates with your industry.

Additionally, we take into consideration how your audience will navigate your website. If you need people to sign up for something, our designers and marketers work hand in hand to make sure this action is taken.

Simply put, the design will need to closely reflect the marketing objectives. Lets say your objectives are ‘sell more products’, ‘get more people to read my blogs’, and ‘get people to sign up to a newsletter’, We would then carefully craft elements such as call-to-action buttons, product displays, and engaging blog layouts throughout the site that guide users toward taking these actions.

The power of collaboration

We know that a team of people will build something more impactful than just one set of eyes. Collaboration brings different perspectives, these diffeing perspectives could be what make your website stand out from the masses, which is why we encourage collaboration of our entire team for all of our projects.

investment VS Costs

Although the initial costs of a website with us, can feel relatively high. We encourage businesses to think of a website as an investment rather than just an expense. Costs might be higher than anticipated, but you are investing in long lasting and effective website that will bring you more business.

Plus, you’re not just purchasing a website—you’re gaining ongoing support from our friendly team. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, which means we’re here to help with updates, enhancements, and any problems. Furthermore, with us your website is not static; it will grow and adapt with your business, allowing you to grow and change as needed to stay ahead of any competition and keep up with industry changes.

Investing in a well designed and quality website means fewer headaches down the road as you will come out with an effective website that performs from the start, allowing you to focus on running your business.

At isev, you are investing in a website that stands the test of time.

Final Thoughts

The importance of good website design cannot be overstated. It can be the difference between someone choosing your business and going elsewhere. Afterall, quality design impacts your brand, your audiences perspectives and more.

Not to mention that a well-designed website can and will save you money in the long run. This is because it minimises the need for constant updates and fixes. When you choose to invest in a website that is thoughtfully designed, you’re not just purchasing a service; you’re making a commitment to your business’s future!

Click here to see examples of work from our experiences team. From clients that have been with us for 8 years, to new prospects that we’ve helped.

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