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  • Should you get your website redesigned?

June 4,2024

Should you get your website redesigned?

byIsev Team Isev Team

Recognising whether your website needs a redesign involves assessing various crucial areas that impact its overall success, such as user experience, and more. From visual elements to technical aspects, every component contributes to the effectiveness of your online presence.

To guide you through this process, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list to help you figure out whether your website needs a redesign, the many benefits of doing so and the best practices for redesigning your website.

Content list:

How to tell if your website needs a redesign

It is generally recommended that a website is redesigned every 2-3 years. This is to ensure that your website remains optimised, and that it is keeping up with the latest design trends rather than being left in the dust…

However, in order to actually understand where and why your website needs a redesign, you should take a closer look at the following:

Visual elements

The first thing you see on a website when you open it are the visual elements. These express the entire tone, and purpose of your website, and establish the overall experience that your clients will have, as well as their opinions of your business.

So, how do you know if you need to improve the visual elements of your website?

The first thing to do is to look through your website’s overall design.

Mobile compatibility: One of the first things to analyse with any website is whether it is optimised for mobile devices. This means that the design on desktop will transfer over on mobile, ensuring that your business is accessible across different devices. If your website is not optimised for mobile, it is likely that your web design will need a refresh.

Branding: Something that can happen with businesses is that they might update their branding, for example, get a new logo, change up their slogans or overall tone, but they don’t update their website in the process. As your website acts as the ‘virtual storefront’ of your business, keeping this concise and up to date with the business brand is crucial. If you have recently updated your brand, but not changed up your website in the process it’s likely that you need a website redesign.

User Experience: Outdated and inconsistent visual elements will impact your overall user experience. For example, a bad colour scheme might overwhelm visitors, making it difficult to navigate around your website. So, a website redesign can help to refresh your website.

Visual Hierarchy: Visual hierarchy plays a crucial role in guiding users’ attention and demonstrates which content is important. As such a cluttered layout, conflicting colour schemes, or lack of contrast can make it challenging for visitors to focus on essential elements or navigate through the site.

Website Navigation: Below is an example of an outdated website.

Website example


This website example isn’t just outdated because of its clunky design, but also because of its difficulty in navigation. A website’s navigation is its guide to how people get around your website, if they have to try and figure out how they do this then your navigation is failing to serve its purpose.

As you can see in this example, it’s a big of a challenge to tell where and how to navigate around this website at a glance, which is a big no no. If your navigation is not obvious it might be time to get your website redesigned.

Technical elements

Did you know that a range of people expect a website to load in 2 seconds or less?

While owning a website is beneficial in a range of different ways, if your website is not optimised, fast and looks good, it will struggle to get traction and attract your business clients.

You mTight be wondering – How do I test my website speed?

How to check your websites speed

There are a few ways you can check your website speed, but a quick way to do this yourself is to use ‘page speed insights’. This helps you gather an understanding on how your website is performing on both mobile and desktop. All you would then need to do, is send this to your development team and ask them to improve your website speed.

However, if your website speed is particularly slow, it might be a sign that your website needs a redesign / rebuild.

User experience

Understanding your users’ experience with your website is absolutely crucial when it comes to redesigning your website. After all, if you have decided to redesign your website specifically to appeal to your users, you first need to know what it is they want, and where it is that you need to improve moving forward. You don’t want to get your website redesigned only for your users to continue to have issues.

Some ways to gather where you might need to improve your website, specific for user experience include…


To see how your users are feeling about your website, you can use analytics to review how your website is doing. Here you can check out things like engagement and bounce rates.

For context, high bounce rates are a red flag that suggests your website is failing to engage your visitors. So for example, this would look at the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing a page.

Keep in mind that the metrics you focus on may vary depending on the version of analytics you are using. For instance, GA4 now emphasises engagement rate, whereas other versions of analytics still focus on bounce rate.

As such, a high bounce rate, or low engagement rate could be due to several factors:

Irrelevant Content: Visitors may not find what they’re looking for if your content doesn’t align with their expectations.

Poor Design: An outdated or cluttered design can drive visitors away.

Technical Issues: Broken links or error pages can cause visitors to leave quickly.

You should regularly monitor your analytics to identify pages on your website with high bounce rates. If certain pages consistently show high bounce rates, it’s a sign that those pages—and possibly your overall website—may need a redesign to better meet your user needs.

Website Engagement:

Another critical metric to assess is user engagement. Low interaction rates and short visit durations indicate that visitors aren’t finding your content compelling or engaging. You can look at your website engagement rates by using analytics tools, this provides detailed insights into things like user behaviour.

If your website engagement is low, consider the following elements:

Content Quality: Is your content valuable and relevant to your audience?

Interactive Elements: Are there opportunities for users to engage, such as through comments, social sharing buttons, or interactive tools?

Call to Action (CTA): Are your CTAs clear and compelling, encouraging users to take the next step? Are they clear enough and do all the links work correctly?

Low engagement rates suggest that your website might not be capturing and retaining visitor interest, highlighting a need for a redesign.

User Feedback

Another way that you can figure out how users feel about your website is to simply ask them!

Direct feedback from users can be invaluable in identifying the need for a website redesign. If users frequently mention difficulties in understanding your content or finding what they’re looking for, it’s a clear sign that changes are needed.

You can gather your users feedback by:

Surveys and Feedback Forms: Collect direct feedback from visitors to understand their pain points.

Customer Support Queries: Analyse common questions or complaints to do with your website. This might indicate usability issues.

Usability Testing: You can conduct tests with real users to observe where they struggle and gather insights for improvement.

Acting on user feedback can guide you in making targeted improvements that enhance the overall user experience, making it easier for visitors to find and understand the information they seek. It’s also a great way to understand exactly what your users are looking for and where your website needs to improve.

We recommend that businesses are constantly seeing feedback from their clients to understand where they can improve.

Website content

Just as it’s important to keep your site’s visual elements updated, it’s crucial to keep your content fresh and relevant to maintain user interest. Outdated content can misinform visitors and damage your credibility.

To determine if your content needs an update, consider the following:

Accuracy: Review your content regularly to ensure all information is up-to-date and accurate. Check for outdated statistics, obsolete practices, or changes in industry standards.

Relevance: Ensure your content aligns with current user needs and interests. Monitor trends and adjust your content strategy accordingly to keep it relevant.

Engagement: Analyse user interaction with your content. If certain pages or blog posts receive little to no engagement, it may be time to refresh or replace them

Remember that updating and maintaining relevant content is a continuous process. A redesign might be necessary if a significant portion of your site is outdated, requiring a comprehensive overhaul to improve both user experience and search engine performance.

Balancing business and website growth

As your business grows, the need to add new pages, services, or products can arise. And, integrating these new elements seamlessly into your existing website structure is very important so that your website remains relevant. If your current site design is too rigid, accommodating growth can become challenging.

New Services or Products: Launching new services or products often requires dedicated pages or sections. If your current design can’t accommodate these additions without compromising usability, a redesign is necessary.

Site Structure Overhaul: Significant growth may require a restructuring of your site. This could involve reorganising navigation menus, creating new categories, or redesigning the homepage to highlight new offerings. If you need to do all of these steps to ensure your website is growing with your business then you should instead consider a redesign that will cater to your business changes.

User Experience Impact: Adding new elements should enhance, not hinder, user experience. However, if adding new content makes your site confusing or difficult to navigate, it’s time to rethink the design.

Ultimately, if you plan to expand your service offerings significantly, a redesign can help create a more intuitive navigation structure, which means users can easily find and explore new areas of your site.

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is vital for ensuring your website remains visible and attracts organic traffic. If you notice a decline in your search rankings, it might be time to consider a website redesign.

What might a decline in your search ranking be a sign of?

This could be a sign of any or all of the previous points we have mentioned in this article. So, if your website ranking is dropping, consider how a website redesign could help.

So now that you know how to tell if your website needs a redesign or not, let’s take a look at the many benefits of a website redesign.

The benefits of a redesign

A website redesign can bring numerous benefits, transforming your site into a more effective tool for engaging users and achieving business goals. As such, even if your website doesn’t meet the criteria of needing a redesign, it might be worth doing solely for the many benefits that come with it. Here are some key advantages:

A website redesign will improve:

  • User experience

  • Website load times

  • User accessibility

  • Increase conversion rates

  • User engagement

  • Improve your site security

  • Improve your SEO performance

  • Help you keep up with competitors

User Accessibility (Mobile Responsiveness): With the majority of internet users accessing websites via mobile devices, mobile responsiveness is essential. A redesign ensures your website is fully responsive, providing a seamless experience across all devices. Keep in mind that mobile-friendly designs are favoured by search engines, improving your site’s visibility and accessibility.

Help to Increase Conversion Rates: A strategic redesign can significantly increase your conversion rates. By improving navigation, enhancing the clarity of calls to action, and creating a more user-centric layout, visitors are more likely take actions which convert, such as making a purchase, filling out a form, or subscribing to a newsletter.

Enhanced Security: Website security is a top priority. A redesign can help to improve your websites security. For example, the redesign might introduce things to your website like secure authentication methods. Enhanced security measures protect your site from potential threats, safeguarding user data and building trust with your audience.

Keep Up with Competitors: A well-designed website ensures you remain relevant and appealing to your audience. If your competitors’ websites work better and look better than yours, it’s likely that consumers might choose them over your business. As such a redesign allows you to meet your user expectations, ensuring your site remains competitive.This way you can attract more visitors and work towards outperforming your competitors!

The next steps if your website needs a redesign

If you suspect your website needs a redesign here are the steps you should take:

Assess Your Current Website: Using the points we mentioned previously, begin by thoroughly assessing your current website to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Gather user feedback to understand their pain points and preferences. Look at analytics to determine which pages perform well and which don’t. Evaluate your content to see if it needs updating or if there are gaps that need to be filled. This assessment will give you a clear picture of what needs improvement.

Define Your Goals: Consider the reason for redesigning your website. Establishing your goals should guide the redesign process and ensure that the changes you make align with your overall business objectives.

For example:

  • Increase Sales: If your primary goal is to boost sales, then you might focus on improving the user journey, enhancing product pages, and simplifying the checkout process.

  • Enhance Brand Perception: you might aim to improve brand perception, invest in high-quality visuals, consistent branding elements, and engaging content that reflects your brand values.

  • Improve User Engagement: If user engagement is your goal, you might incorporate interactive elements, engaging content, and features that encourage user interaction.

Overall, we recommend you go over and incorporate all of these elements, but its important to establish your main goal of the website so that it meets your business needs.

Research: Conduct some research to establish your redesign strategy. Look at what your competitors are doing and identify elements you like and dislike.

Hire a Professional or Collaborate with Your Team: Decide whether you need to hire a professional web designer or if your in-house team can handle the redesign. If you choose to do it yourself, make sure you conduct thorough research and understand the best practices in web design.

  • Hire a Professional: Professional web designers bring expertise and experience to the table, ensuring your redesign is effective and aesthetically pleasing. They can also provide insights into the latest design trends and technologies.

  • In-House Team: If you have an in-house team, ensure they are well-equipped and knowledgeable about modern web design practices. Collaborative efforts can result in a design that aligns closely with your brand vision.

  • DIY Approach: If you opt to redesign the website yourself, invest time in learning about web design principles, SEO best practices, and user experience strategies. Utilise online resources, tutorials, and design tools to assist you.

Final thoughts

A website redesign isn’t just about making it look better—it’s about making it work better for your visitors, and as such, for your business.

When you decide to spruce up your website, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success online. So, if you’ve noticed that your website isn’t quite hitting the mark, now’s the time to make some changes. With a bit of planning and effort, your new and improved website can become a valuable tool that attracts, engages, and impresses your audience for years to come…

Or at least until you decide to get it redesigned again!

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