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  • Increase your email open rates by getting smart with your subject line

October 7,2021

Increase your email open rates by getting smart with your subject line

byIsev Team Isev Team

The subject line of your emails is the first thing that your readers will see, and its effectiveness can mean the difference between your email being read or binned.

For every email you send you’ve got room for about 50 characters in your subject line so use them wisely to improve your open rates. We have compiled a top 10 of subject line tips to help you get the most out of that all important subject line.

  • Test the subject lines you have already sent. Which subject lines worked and which didn’t. Also compare to other email campaigns you may have received yourself, which ones did you open? Did you ignore or delete any immediately?
  • Try include as much relevant and important information into your subject line as possible. For example, if you are shouting out about a time limited special offer, using “£10 off Blue Widgets – Today Only” is far better than “Special Offer Widgets”.
  • Personalise your subject line. If you have collected details about your contacts such as their first name can sometimes grab people’s attention more so that a generalised subject.
  • Avoid use of spam keywords. Most email servers and clients will automatically filter out emails that contain common spam words such as free, stock, eBay, password, mortgage etc. and therefore they are best avoided at all times.
  • Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s one of the best ways to draw people to read your emails. Creating a subject line that creates a question can be very tempting for the inquisitive and these therefore can work well.
  • Be clear with what you are saying. If you have a special offer or bargain, then this is the main pull for your email so shout out about it within your subject line.

For more advice on how to get the best out of your email marketing, why not give us a call for chat. We’d be most happy to help.

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