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  • Magento 2 Guide: Reports Overview

September 21,2021

Magento 2 Guide: Reports Overview

byAvatar Tim

One of the powerful features Magento 2 offers is the reporting. There are multiple reports you can run, depending on what you want to see. When first looking at the reports section, it can be a little daunting and leave you wondering where to begin.

Well there is some good news, though there may be a lot of different types of reports, the way the work is very similar. They all use the table and filter system, where you can filter by date, that can be found throughout multiple areas of the system such as the products section.

We are going to look at the reports for:

  • Marketing
  • Reviews
  • Sales
  • Customers
  • Products

We’ll give a brief reference guide to what the Magento 2 reports show you. You can navigate to the reports from the side menu Reports.

magneto 2 reports menu

Marketing reports

Products in cart

A list of the products that have been added to the cart. This will tell you the product ID, name, price, the number of carts with the item and the number that have been ordered.

Search terms

This shows the searches people have used within the search bar on the website. It shows the search term, the store it was searched on (if using a multi-store), how many products were shown in the results and the how many times it has been searched.

Abandoned Carts

Shows you the orders that have been abandoned/are incomplete. This will tell you the customer, email address, what was being ordered, if any coupons were applied to the order, the date the order was created, the date it was last updated and the IP address.

Newsletter problem reports

The newsletter subject, and the error code and text can be used to decipher the problem and get the newsletters back running again.

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Reviews reports

By customers

Shows the reviews submitted by customers, how many times they’ve reviewed and you can use this to find specific reviews they’ve left.

By products

Let’s you see which products have been reviewed, the number of reviews for that product, including the average score, and the approved review average score. From here, you can see all the reviews of particular products.

Sales reports


See the orders that have been placed on the website. You can filter by date, the status of the order.


The VAT (or Tax) report shows the orders placed on the website and the tax rule that was applied to the order. This can be filtered by time interval, date, and status.


Contains the number of orders and invoices, shows the amounts billed, paid or unpaid during the time period it’s filtered to.


Shows what the shipping method is selected on orders within the designated time period, the amount paid from shipping.


The number of processed/approved refunds made through the website.


Shows you which coupons that have been used and the number of times.

(Check out our guide on setting up Magento 2 discounts)

Paypal settlement

These Sales Reports contain the kind of event and can be auto-updated with the most current data from Paypal.

Customer reports

Order total

This shows customer orders for the specified time interval. In this report you will see the customer, the number of orders, average order value and the total spent on the website.

Order count

The Order Count Report shows the number of orders per customer for a specified time interval or date range. The report includes the number of orders per customer, average order amount, and total amount.


The number of new accounts created during a specified period of time.

Need help with Magento?

We are experts in Magento, with experienced designers, developers & marketers. If you need a hand, get in touch.

Product reports


The number of views of each product within the time period/interval specified. You can see what the product is, the price and the number of times its been viewed.


Shows the bestselling products based on the set time period. You will see the product, price and the order quantity.

Low Stock

Use this to see which products you are low on stock. It will show you the product SKU, name and quantity.


The number of times a product has been ordered. You can see the product, SKU and the quantity that has been ordered.


This report shows all the download products in the specified time period. This will show you the product, the download link, SKU, the number of purchases and the number of times it has been downloaded.

These are the main reports you can access via the Magento 2 admin area. If you are not sure where to get started, check out our guide on the actionable insights you can gain from these reports.

We are a experienced Magento Agency, working with brands both large and small. If you need any help with your Magento Store, get in touch with us today!

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